Svante has hereby nailed all of the drums for the new record. #haleiwamusic #newalbumsoon
Category: Uncategorised
Recorded vocals today, finishing one more song. A few more to finish before final mixing. New album coming! #tascam388 #morrmusic
Drum recordings
Good vibes in the studio, recording drums for the new album with @swantthing
Working on a new album. Photo by Mikaela Tyrväinen.
Interview in P4 Sveriges Radio
My interview on the radio show Popula was aired today on P4 Sveriges Radio. You can listen to the interview here. The show will also be aired tomorrow 27/6 at
Sveriges Radio Popula
Did an interview for Popula that will be aired on P4 and Sveriges Radio Finska on Friday 26/6 at 20:40 pm. #p4 #sverigesradio #srpopula
Crossroads and Bandcamp day
It’s been exactly a year since ”Crossroads” was released on Morr Music. Today is also Bandcamp day, so if you want to support independent artists, please check Today all